I have been busy trying out new bead patterns and finally settled on a pendant design in the Feb-Mar issue of Super Beadwork 2011. The design is by Trang Gordon. It took two attempts, but I finally made it. The first attempt turned out beautiful until I turned it over and discovered I had looped a thread around one of the pearls and skewed the whole side. Not a happy camper. But the second attempt with the onyx beads came out great. Working with fireline and two needles it was hard to keep track of which needle was which. I tried coloring the thread ends but the color would not stay on and then I tried painting a dab of enamel on the needle and that didn't work either. So I finally went with one bent needle and tried valiantly to keep the second needle straight. It all worked out in the end thank goodness. Next I tried a design by Laina Goodman, also from the same Super Beadwork Magazine. The earrings came out great, I had to adjust the count on the first pair as I used some vintage Jade beads in the center and they were bigger than the pattern called for. The second pair (red) I used beads closer to what was called for and they came out flatter and not so ruffled. I liked both looks, so I guess we can call that a success. I forgot to mention that the pendant is double sided, so it doesn't matter which way you put the necklace on. I made the neckchain using the spiral stitch for part of it and then strung crystals and onyx beads for the rest. Came out really pretty, and light weight.The third pair of earrings, also from the same magazine, were supposed to be stars, however I decided to leave off the last part of the design and added the drop. The picture is not very great, the earrings are Topaz AB crystals, 2mm onyx, and 4 mm faceted onyx. They read more black and gold in person. They turned out really pretty.