FINISHED!!!!! With time to spare, and to look at him and maybe add to him or not. I "finished" the Kachina this AM and sat him on my ironing board to take his picture and my worst nightmare came to be..he fell off on to the floor right on his beak!! I was horror struck and for a few moments all I could do was stand there and look at him lying face down on the floor. I finally made myself pick him up and HALLELUJAH!! He was just fine. What was I thinking by standing him on a soft surface? Drove home the thought I had earlier that I might need to attach him to a wider base so that he wouldn't be so tippy. Another Blogger "A Half-baked Notion" suggested that I sew his wings (I whined about this on my blog, as you might have read), and that's what I did. I used two layers of ultra-suede, and I'm satisfied with how they turned out. Thanks Half-baked!! My thoughts ran back to my Raven Dancer while I was staring at him(Kachina) laying on his face on the floor, remember? I had the Raven dancer all done and just had to attach his mask and when I did it snapped right in half! I ended up adding a wider base to him also. I wonder, should I come up with a feather to put in each of his hands? The Kachina I mean. Hmmmmm....something to ponder on. Half-baked has asked for a side view of the Raven, so I am editing this post to include another picture or two.
Quarterly makes report!
1 year ago