
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

My Beautiful Friend Bea

I thought I should post a picture of my friend Bea in the jacket that I made for her. She is such a tiny little thing that its hard to judge size. Besides which she is such an amazing seamstress that its kind of scarey to do any sewing for her. She is one of the toughest Women I have ever known. She has terrible Rheumatoid Arthritis which has twisted her poor hands badly, does she complain..NO, she just keeps on doing her sewing and beading by learning to hold her needles a little differently. On this day she has on flipflops because her one leg and foot was so badly swollen from the Arthritis. She is such a character, I love her dearly.  Bea and our friend Karen have always been so gracious to share their families with me since our children and grandchildren all live in the lower forty-eight. Bea and I both miss Karen very much. The three of us had so many fun times together, putting on Teas and Luncheons at the Lodge, bumming around town together, (takes about a half hour to visit every store in town) and having our coffee and beading sessions. I made a jacket for Karen many years ago, I know I have a picture of her jacket somewhere, when I find it I will include it here. As I have said before....Time Flies......make the most of it my friends, make the most of it. Its cloudy but sunny today, and I am waiting for the tide to go out so I can go for a walk. Thank goodness for the beach..I can go there and walk and let the sounds of the water wash the stress and worries away...for a short while anyway. The grass is starting to green-up. Can't wait for things to bloom out so it doesn't look so darn drab! I am still working on my two beading projects..haven't had much time lately, don't know why..hope to finish up at least one today. Time to get moving................

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Finished At Last!

I have finally finished the quilted jacket that I started LAST YEAR for my friend Bea. I started "collecting" black and white fabric for her jacket in 2011. How embarrassing is that. I knew that I wanted to make the jacket mostly black and white with just a touch of red, her favorite.  I am happy with how it finally turned out, I am not happy with my putting things off so long. Now, if it just fits her ok, I tried it on her before the sleeves were sewn on and it fit pretty good, just needed a slight adjustment in the shoulders. She was unaware that I was making the jacket until she stopped by one day and I decided to be smart and try it on her. Now that it is done, I hope it fits ok. She will be receiving the jacket today. I guess you could call it her Birthday, Christmas, Mothers Day  x 2 Jacket. Procrastinating is not becoming!! Now to finish my beading projects. Yesterday was beautiful, today is very very overcast but a good temperature, 43, and not much of a breeze, there may be a walk in my near future. Well maybe later, I just let our little step-dog out and its now raining. DRATS!!