Today was a very busy day at the Gallery. Made the day go by rather quickly. We had two groups of children from the Russian village of 'Old Believers" at the head of the bay, come in for a tour of the art work. Rowan is the manager at the Gallery and she came in and did the tour for the kids. What a great job she did. The kids all seemed to enjoy it quite a lot.
Came home and once more looked for the quilt squares I had made for the quilt I'm working on. they seem to have vanished into thin air...guess I'm losing my mind. Anyway, I sat down and made more squares, now I just have to add the sashing in between the squares and I will have the strip finished and can add it to the others. One more to go and the body of the quilt will be finished, then I just have to do the sashing around the outside. So far I have made over 20 quilts of various sizes. I love to make baby quilts the most. I made this jacket and booties for our Great Granddaughter Dahlia for Christmas two years ago. This year I made her a rag doll. Well its late and I need to get to bed before long. Tomorrow will be a great day, I have decided. God willing.