While we were down on the Oregon Coast, I went in to a nice little bead store called "Roots". Found some great pieces which I used to make myself a necklace. I just love how it turned out. And NO it is not Turquoise, its Magnasite....ok so it looks like Turquoise, BUT IT'S NOT!
I used the Magnasite because it complimented the the green on the Butterfly. I also used Autumn Jasper as the second color. I just can't help my love of the color Turquoise. The Cabachon I've had for so many years that I don't remember what the stone is but I think it really works with the other stones.
I think that I will make a couple more small handbags, and since the Raven seems to be my Spirit Bird, I'm thinking he will play into the designs once again. He certainly made a hit with the beadwork I made for the show. Anyway, off to beadland once again.
Quarterly makes report!
9 months ago