Well, all the hustle and bustle is over, Christmas was nice as always, we stayed home and spent the day talking with all our kids and family on the phone. Sounds like they all had a great day. We finally got some snow, but its still very cold. Its been staying around 11 degrees. At least this evening the wind has died down.
I received the package from that "Beadyeyed Woman" Jeanette Cook and it was full of great beady gifts. What a generous lady. How lucky I was to be on the receiving end.
I hope everyone had a peaceful and comfy day. Wonder what the New Year will bring? So much hate and discontent around the world, I hope it all get resolved and peace will come again for awhile.
Mr J gave me not one, of Marilee Dupree's wonderful Alaskan dolls, but two, well actually three. One is a girl laying on her tummy with her chin on her hands dressed in a beautiful Kuspuk with fur on the hood. The other is two little girls with knit hats and Sweaters with Jeans, having a chat over a cup of chocolate. They are just great. I bought one and sent it to my Mother when we first moved to Alaska and always intended to buy one for myself but never got around to it. But I have since gotten to know Marilee and fell in love with her dolls all over again. They have so much personality. I am including a picture of the two "having a cuppa". Marilee is such an amazing doll maker. They are just so perfect in every way.
Well, I have five more "Little Dresses" to cut out and sew to reach my goal for 2011. What a worthwhile cause. I'm sure the response to their program must have been overwhelming. I hope so. The Dresses go to Africa, South America, as well as the United States.
Well I sincerely hope everyone everywhere will enjoy a peaceful, healthy and happy New Year.
Sending Birthday wishes in my prayers to my beautiful Nephew Ryan. We wish you were still here with us, we love you so much.